“Alrawabi School for girls”, Netflix’s original new series in the Middle East

After the production of Jinn, Netflix’s first original series in the Middle East, the streaming services giant announced its intention to produce a new series in Arabic, Alrawabi School for Girls, which should soon arrive on our screens.
One year after the production of Jinn, Netflix’s first original series in the Middle East, the streaming services giant is back in business. Recently, Netflix announced its willing to produce a new Arabic series, AlRawabi School for Girls. This would be an additional investment in a desire to increase the number of Arabic language series on the platform.
A series made by women for women
For now, the choice of casting and release date are unknown, the plot of the series is all found. This new project is a youth drama shot in a high school, which will be produced with an exclusively Arab cast and crew. Written and directed by Jordanian Tima Shomali and writer Shirin Kamal, the series addresses the issues faced by many young people today.
“It’s official! I am very pleased to announce our new series “Alrawarbi School for Girls”, an original Netflix series, a drama for young adults,” said Tima Shomali on Instagram. “A story that is so dear to my heart, told through women’s eyes about young women.”