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Coronavirus: the film industry gets in motion

In response to the health crisis the world is currently wrestling with, the film industry, which has been strongly affected by the closure of cinemas, has decided to react by launching the “We Are One Global Film Festival,” proving the strength in numbers!

Marrakech, Cannes, Berlin, London, New York, Toronto, Venice… No, this is not a geography pop quiz but rather a (non-exhaustive) list of cities that are home to some of the world’s biggest film festivals. And, with the initial effort from the Tribeca festival, 20 major film festivals have decided to join forces for a 10-day period, from May 29 to June 7, to create a virtual event that will stream the selected films on YouTube for free.


A varied roster

Although the schedule is not yet fully finalized (or fully unveiled), it is confirmed, however, that the festival will comprise of feature films, shorts, documentaries, both old and new, as well as music and virtual round tables.


According to the Tribeca Festival Executive Director Jane Rosenthal, it is time for the industry to take on “film’s uniquely powerful role in inspiring and uniting people across borders and differences to help heal the world. All of the world needs healing right now.”

Viewers will have the opportunity to make donations while watching the films, which will be forwarded to various charities. Proceeds from the festival will be partly donated to the World Health Organization (WHO), along with a string of smaller, local charities, as part of the global effort to fight the virus.


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Publié le 29 April 2020

