Covid: Airlines launch digital passports

The two largest UAE airlines, Emirates and Etihad, have announced the implementation of a “digital passport” that will record PCR tests and the vaccination status of passengers, in order to limit the spread of the virus.
This is simply a mobile application, called IATA Travel Pass. In it, all the PCR tests and vaccines performed by passengers wishing to travel from one country to another using Emirates or Etihad airlines will be listed. The airlines are among the first to test this new tool, which allows them to verify that passengers are in line with the health requirements of their destination countries.
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The International Air Transport Association (IATA), in the midst of an economic crisis unprecedented since the arrival of the coronavirus and the various health measures that accompanied it, has decided to do everything possible to turn the situation around until vaccines become widely available. To facilitate worldwide testing, the organization has developed this application, a true digital health passport that guarantees the authenticity of the screening test or vaccination certificate. The two UAE companies based in Dubai and Abu Dhabi have announced that they will start using the system in the first quarter of 2021.