A Ramadan video series to bridge the gap between the Jewish and Muslim faith

The Ramadan video series “30 Faces of Islam for the 30 Days” by The Foundation for Ethnic Understanding is premiering on the Jewish Broadcasting Service (JBS) and the foundation’s social media channels, with the objective of creating awareness within the Jewish community and the general public about Islam. More specifically, the daily show focuses on the significance of the holy month, its traditions, rituals and precepts.
Each episode is graced by different special guests, hosted by Marc Schneier, a philanthropic American rabbi, dedicating his career for the past 20 years to building “bridges of understanding” between Jews and Muslims.
Through the new series “30 Faces of Islam for the 30 Days” made from quarantine, a deep dive exposes the viewers on the global and holistic impact of Muslims through interfaith discussions led by experts in politics, religion, arts and culture and sports.
As part of our new daily social media series for Ramadan, “30 Faces of Islam for the 30 Days,” we’re excited to share a #Ramadan greeting from Hafid Ouardiri, Director of the Inter-Knowing Foundation in Geneva, and Vice President of both Geneva Interreligious Dialogue and Geneva Spiritual Appeal
Posted by The Foundation For Ethnic Understanding-FFEU on Thursday, April 30, 2020
The Foundation for Ethnic Understanding (FFEU)
Founded by American rabbi Schneier in 1989, the non profit organization aims to promote intercultural and interfaith dialogue to strengthen relationships between ethnic groups, especially among the muslim, jewish and black communities.
Establishing offices and contacts in over 35 countries, the FFEU’s roots have become deep rooted and widespread with undeniable impact, despite the subtlety. While tensions and conflicts around the world are certainly still fueled over religious and cultural differences, associations such as this one, keep the bigger picture in mind, acknowledging the power in gradual societal changes that, with time, will influence institutional structures.
Experts take the mic
One of the early guests of this Ramadan series is Sheikh Musa Drammeh, the chairman of the Islamic Cultural Center of North America. In his video he expresses his hopes that this initiative will help promote understanding and work towards resolving differences between the jewish and muslim communities.
As part of our new daily social media series for #Ramadan, “30 Faces of Islam for the 30 Days,” we’re excited to share a Ramadan greeting from Sheikh Musa Drammeh, Chairman, Islamic Cultural Center of North America. @DotHalal
— FFEU (@FFEUnyc) May 3, 2020
“We are grateful because the unfortunate coronavirus situation has brought Ramadan to its original concept, which is to focus on humanity, togetherness, neighborliness, injustice and oppressiveness,” detailed Drammeh.
Fast forward to yesterday edition, with Daisy Khan, Executive Director of WISE (Women’s Islamic Initiative in Spirituality and Equality) as the starring guest, providing introspective reflections to stimulate change.
As part of our new daily social media series for Ramadan, “30 Faces of Islam for the 30 Days,” we’re excited to share a #Ramadan greeting from @DaisyKhan, Executive Director of @WISE_Leaders (Women's Islamic Initiative in Spirituality and Equality)
— FFEU (@FFEUnyc) May 6, 2020
“How much more destruction and grief will result if we continue to exploit it insatiably? This is an ideal moment for all of us to raise our consciousness, strengthen our bonds and seek leaders who will guide us through this maze of change. Prophet Muhammad once said ‘each one of you is a shepherd for his flock.’ To that end we must collectively shepherd one another through this chaos and confusion.”
With all of this time on our hands and prevailing misunderstandings between seemingly fundamentally different communities, perhaps taking the time to familiarize ourselves with our commonalities can bring us one step closer towards coexistence.