Cannes: Two new films unveiled by Saudi company Ithra Film Production

Since July 6th and until the 17th, Cannes is in full swing! On the bill: more than twenty international films in competition to win an Oscar. And on this field, the Arab film scene has been able to make itself heard! A success that does not intend to stop there, as it is the turn of the Saudi company Ithra Film Production to unveil two new projects to complete the list of winners.
The Middle East, a key player in the biggest film event of all!
Ashgar Farhadi’s A Hero, Nadav Lapid’s Ha’Berech, Nabil Ayouch’s High and Mighty and Ely Dagher’s The Sea Ahead… So many films from the Eastern world that have made their mark on the most important competition of the year for film lovers around the world.
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undefinedWith synopses with multiple messages, each of these films proved the Arab talent but above all the commitment of the Middle East in the cinematographic art, which is now known and recognised throughout the world.
A successful bet for Arab artists who do not intend to stop there!
Two new Saudi films soon to be released
More good news for Oriental cinema as two new films from Saudi Arabia were announced during the year’s film festival!
“We are honoured to announce our two upcoming projects at one of the world’s most prestigious film fairs, in the Saudi Pavilion at the Cannes Film Festival” says Majed Z. Samman, Head of Performing Arts and Film at Ithra.
Ithra, better known as the King Abdulaziz Center for World Culture, is dedicated to raising awareness of knowledge, creativity and cross-cultural engagement for the future of the Kingdom in the Middle East and more widely around the world.
With this in mind, the organisation decided, during its participation in the Saudi Film Commission’s pavilion at the 74th Cannes Film Festival, to announce the production of its two latest films, Sea of Sands, by renowned screenwriter and producer Mohamed Hefzy, and Valley Road, by award-winning Saudi filmmaker Khalid Fahad.
These two masterpieces of the Arab 7th art, scheduled to hit cinemas in 2023, are part of Ithra’s commitment to encouraging and developing talent in the Kingdom’s creative industries.
A logical follow-up to the organisation’s first release
These films follow the highly successful international release of Ithra’s first commissioned film, “Joud“, described as “an unconventional meditation on the cycle of life” and an “ancient poem for modern times”.
A film with an original script as it uses an experimental narrative structure derived from a pre-Islamic form of poetry, the qasida, but has no dialogue. A successful gamble, as it has been received at several international festivals.
Enough to make our mouths water!
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