Divers make an incredible encounter with a whale shark off Abu Dhabi

A group of divers came face to face with a whale shark in the waters of the Arabian Gulf. The encounter gave the first ones unique snapshots.
It’s not every day you get the chance to see a giant of the deep so close. Darrell Seale, an American entrepreneur based in the United Arab Emirates, has had the experience.
An endangered species
During a scuba diving session with friends off the coast of Abu Dhabi, the businessman saw a shadow under his boat. What he thought was a shark finally turned out to be a whale shark. The fish, rather friendly, offered the diver unforgettable snapshots.
Not a bad day diving off the Abu Dhabi coast today! #whaleshark #abudhabi Ocean Dive Center
Posted by Darrell Seale on Sunday, May 24, 2020
The whale shark, which varies in size from 5.5 to 10 metres in length, is harmless to humans and feeds mainly on plankton. Considered an endangered species, scientists estimate at 7,000 the number of its remaining individuals on the planet. The species is seen more often in the Arabian Gulf.