Dubai Airport commits to banning single-use plastic

Dubai International Airport has just committed to banning the use of all disposable plastics. All the retail outlets at the airport premises will, therefore, have to free themselves from it before January 2020.
As part of its ongoing effort to reduce the amount of plastic waste produced by its operations, Dubai International Airport, the busiest airport in the emirate, is getting rid of disposable plastic.
The airport, which already recycles some 43,000 tonnes of waste (paper, glass, plastic, etc.) per year, is thus taking a new step in its ecological transition.
“Make a real difference”
In just one day, the resolution prevented the use of 150,000 plastic straws.

Retail outlets have until January 2020 to get rid of single-use plastic
Dubai Airports Executive Vice President, Eugene Barry, was enthusiastic about the impact of this action: “At an airport that hosts 90 million people every year, we believe we can make a tangible difference by eliminating single-use plastics in consumer space” he said.