Dubai launches an international space court

Very well engaged in the race to conquer space, the United Arab Emirates is asserting itself as a leading actor on the subject by creating a “space court” to resolve commercial disputes.
They had already done something similar back in 2004 with the creation of the Dubai International Financial Centre – Court. This body, independent of UAE law, was designed to settle disputes involving companies or investors, based on Common Law.
In the same vein as the latter initiative, this new international tribunal concerns the regulation of activities taking place outside the Earth’s atmosphere. “The Space Court is a global initiative that will operate in parallel with space activities, helping to build a new network of judicial support to meet the stringent commercial requirements of international space exploration in the 21st century,” said Zaki Azmi, president of DIFC Courts, in a statement. Indeed, he believes that the complex trade agreements that will further govern this sector “will also require an equally innovative judicial system to keep pace.
Establish itself as a key player
It should be recalled that, for the time being, space law is governed by international conventions and resolutions, including the UN Outer Space Treaty, which came into force in 1967. Several States have also signed bilateral or multilateral agreements to regulate their space activities.
Some time after the launch of its Hope probe, which should enter into orbit of the planet Mars very soon, the United Arab Emirates affirmed a little more their desire to become a key player in the conquest of space.