Egypt: In Cairo, an Arts School Rescues Children from Poverty

Al Darb Al-Ahmar School of Arts offers performing arts classes to unprivileged children in a former Cairo district of the same name, to help them overcoming the social and professional challenges they will meet.
In Darb Al Ahmar, an ancient district of Cairo, today mosques from the Fatimid and Mamluk eras are standing alongside unofficial settlements and many factories practicing child labor. There, Al Darb Al-Ahmar School of Arts has opened in 2011 aiming to take these children out of poverty by teaching them performing and circus arts.
Arts lessons to teach life
Since it opened, dozens of children have benefited from circus and performing arts and music classes. Through these different teachings, children learn not only how to sing, to act, to paly instruments, but they learn a lot more. Indeed, arts and creative activities that the school teaches, aim, more broadly, to provide them with useful and valuable skills to get out of poverty and misery.
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These young Egyptian nuggets leave the school benches with self-confidence, amazing ability to speak and share ideas and freed from their shyness. In short, they come out armed to succeed socially and professionally.
A local positive and innovative project
The initiative was born from a collaboration between various local foundations and associations, which work for educating and giving chances to unprivileged youth in Cairo through cultural and artistic activities. The school welcomes any child aged 6 to 18 to train them to become professional artists, to give them the keys to success in this environment and to prepare them to their adult life.
uartier du Caire, des Mosquées datant de l’époque Fatimide et Mamelouk côtoient aujourd’hui les logements informels et les fabriques employant la main d’oeuvre infantile. C’est ici qu’en 2011, ouvre l’Ecole d’Arts Darb Al Ahmar ayant l’ambition de sortir ces enfants de la pauvreté en les éduquants aux arts du spectacle.