Tech & Business
Egypt’s Space Program is Set to Break New Ground

Egypt’s Space Program is set to hit the launch pad, as the country announces preparations for a new satellite launch by the end of this year.
The head of the Egyptian Space Agency, Mohammed El-Qousi, has stated that his country has ambitious plans to build space systems and infrastructure. Egypt already has five satellites in orbit, and the newcomer will add remote sensing capabilities and scientific research uses. Weighing in at 65 kilograms, the satellite will be launched with the help of German and Chinese partners.
Future Plans in the Works for More Launches to Come
The country also plans to launch two more satellites in 2022, with launch dates pencilled in for March and September. Egypt also plans to open a satellite collection and testing center following the launch of the satellites next year, which would be the first of its kind in the Arab world. Such a site would fall under the auspices of a “space city” dedicated to space research.
Cairo is also joining with the African Union, as well as Kenya, Uganda, Ghana, Sudan, and Nigeria, to launch a joint satellite in the future.