Saudi Arabia mobilizes for its endangered leopards

Faced with a declining feline population, the Royal Commission for Al-Ula (UCR) and the World Organization for the Conservation of Feral Cats, Panthera, have signed a $20 million contract to save the Saudi Arabian leopards, which have been critically endangered for several years.
According to Dr. Fred Launay, President of Panthéra, there are less than 200 subspecies of leopards in Arabia in 2019. To address this, the Royal Commission for Al-Ula (RCU) signed a $20 million contract with Panthera, the global organization for the conservation of wild cats, to save the Saudi Arabian leopards, which have been critically endangered for several years.
In Ashar, where this contract has been signed, the UCR and Panthera have committed themselves over the next ten years to establish conservation measures for this species and contribute to the development of wildlife in the region.
“The signing of the agreement marks a major step forward in our shared ambitions to reintroduce the Arab leopard population to the region and to partner with global partners to support the preservation of these populations… It is our duty to protect, conserve and increase the population size so that this species does not become a historical low point,”
A contract for a good cause
Through this contract, the UCR and Panthéra have created a global fund focused on protecting and improving remaining wild populations, captive breeding programs, international collaborations, community-based conservation projects, and scientific research to support the future of this rare species.
“To be able to create a future where beautiful Arab leopards can once again walk freely in the Sharaan Nature Reserve we are developing is a dream we cannot wait for. Such a beautiful natural landscape like Al-Ula is an ideal home for some of the most beautiful animals in the world,”