Saudi Arabia: Women Already Aiming for Driving Instructor Jobs

On the 24th of June, Saudi women have officially been given the right to drive. If several women had already got their driving licenses at the beginning of June, others are shifting a gear to become instructors.
Less than a month after Saudi cities started to deliver driving licenses to women, and while several local women are driving their first miles, some of them have already mastered the art by successfully passing the General traffic department test. Thanks to that exam, and after a demanding field training, they can work as driving examiners. Shortly, Saudi women will teached driving and examined by women as well.
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Female instructors’ role is expected to be absolutely crucial in a country where women hardly discover the joys of driving. These new teachers are set to be the guarantors of the popularization of the art of driving among women.
They are also a guarantee of reinsurance for those who are still reluctant, fearing inexperience or even social pressures.In a way, these new instructors are breaking through the glass ceiling that Saudi women would create.