Saudi photographer shares stunning shots of the Milky Way

Through his photographs, photographer Mosaad Alkilabi reveals the beauty of the Milky Way from a very precise point in the Saudi desert.
Mosaad Alkilabi, a 23-year-old Saudi photographer, reveals through a series of shots the beauty of the Milky Way. From the deserted spaces of the coastal city of Al-Wajh, in northwest Saudi Arabia, the young man puts his objective to good use and tries to capture this unique and breathtaking spectacle.
مساء الخير ، لحظة دخول المجره في منطقة السيح 📸⛰#محافظة_الوجه #تبوك #السعودية_الجديدة #ضباء #الوجه #املج #العلا #الرياض #البحر_الأحمر #نيوم #السياحة
— مصعب الكلابي (@MOSAABALKILABI) March 9, 2019
Clichés, all more striking than the other
While not everyone had the chance to witness this unique landscape, Mosaad Alkilabi shared his findings on his Twitter account with a few poetic words. A moment of sharing much appreciated by its 1,600 subscribers:
“In the evening of the galaxy, it is true that man suffocates in this vast pile of words and that most of them lie, but the true word, like the star in heaven, is distinct and cannot be obscured.”
مساء المجرة📸
صحيح أن الإنسان هو من يختنق في هذا الركام الهائل من الكلمات وأغلبها «كاذب»، لكن مع ذلك فإن الكلمة الصادقة كالنجمة في السماء تميز ولا يمكن أن تحجب.#الوجه #البحر_الأحمر #تبوك #السعودية_الجديدة #ضباء #املج #نيوم
— مصعب الكلابي (@MOSAABALKILABI) March 12, 2019
The Saudi desert seems to be an ideal place to photograph the stars… Before Mosaad Alkilabi, photographer Mohammed Al-Enzi had captured striking shots of the galaxy.
Visually-arresting images of the Milky Way along #SaudiArabia's desert night sky, masterfully taken by #Saudi photographer @aborakan1398.
— SAPRAC (@SapracOrg) July 17, 2018