Six Instagram accounts to follow in celebration of Photography Day

Since 2010, every 19th of August is the global day dedicated to celebrating photography. The aim, throughout the day, is to inspire photographers from all over the world to share a photo with a simple goal: make us see the world through their eyes. And today, it’s KAWA’s turn to give you a short list of the most spectacular Eastern Region photography accounts found on Instagram!
Breathtaking landscapes
Hailing from Saudi Arabia, it’s impossible to miss the photos of artist Faisal Al-Jrifani! With just a few clicks, the man manages to photograph breathtaking Saudi scenes and take us on a virtual journey through the country. From mountainous and rocky terrains to simple bodies of water embracing the impressive reflections of the environment, his Instagram account is filled with majestic scenes that will make you shiver!
Mixing fashion and culture
It’s time to move on from the fairytale landscapes with Lina Mo and focus on endearing portraits of models often featuring subjects both related to Saudi culture and focusing on modern art.
With already 15.2K followers on her Instagram account and having only started the business in 2010, this artist, known for her remarkable fashion and street fashion photography, is already becoming a rising star in Saudi Arabia.
The sweetness of everyday life
With an inquisitive eye and a camera at hand, Saudi photographer Tasneem Alsultan once again takes us into another realm. Her photographs gently and delicately capture the intimate and unique perspectives on the daily lives of her models.
Her powerful images illustrate how art can be used as a medium to challenge all the stereotypes still too present in our societies and to address important regional and social issues.
A little tour of Egypt’s hidden places
It’s time to fly to Egypt and get back to the travel photography account! The objective of its members? To focus on all the hidden beauties of this North African country, and to capture the images with their unquestionable talents and dreamlike quality.
Some colourful shots from Morocco
Morocco is not far away. A few hours by plane and a couple of Instagram clicks away, you can quickly find the works of Yassine Alaoui Ismaili. Originally from Morocco, the artist uses photography as a means of personal expression.
It is thanks to the unique mix of his North African heritage, his chess strategy and his love of dance, that he has managed to explore new methods of experimentation through photography.
On the menu of the account: colours, emotions and softness.
From banker to Emirati photographer
Altamash Javed started his career as an investment banker but his passion soon caught up with him. Now a full-time photographer, he depicts an editorial line of the UAE’s iconic landmarks while combining the beauty of urban landscapes and the simplicity of old ports. Would you be the 78,000th subscriber to his account?