Six Saudi movies soon available on Netflix

The streaming platform is always seeking to broaden the spectrum of its programmes, in particular through the acquisition of rights to products from all over the world. Last week, Netflix announced the upcoming release of six short films as part of a series entitled “Six Windows in the Desert”.
The whole world will have a window on the region. Or rather six. With six short films, the Netflix video streaming platform will bring Saudi Arabia to viewers in more than 190 countries. “It is our belief that a good story can come from anywhere and be enjoyed anywhere,” said Nuha El Tayeb, the platform’s director of program acquisition.
A societal fresco
The 6 films, all produced by Telfaz 11, a company based in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, deal with sometimes controversial social issues such as love, extremism and discrimination.
Among the films are, for example, 27th of Shaban, set in the early 2000s in the kingdom, following two young people who set up a date despite the ban. The rat, for its part, focuses on a man living his last day on earth, and the fear that accompanies it. Curtain, tells the story of a nurse confronted with judgment at work, following traumatic events. On the menu will also be a true story (Wasati), or science fiction (Predicament in sight) … So fill up on popcorn!