Sports Courses in Saudi University Now Open To Girls

Deprived of physical education in schools for many years, Saudi women students can finally rejoice, at least those at Taif University.
The school has just announced its intention to open football, basketball and karate classes to its female students, which is a landmark decision and a source of hope for young Saudi women who see this first authorization from a university as a sign of future emancipation.
See also
5 odd sports in Middle EastOn Twitter, the ad didn’t take long to make its way.
“I’m going to leave my college and ask for a transfer to Taif University.”
A step forward that is part of a beautiful path
In recent years, the situation has improved significantly for Saudi women sportswomen, who are now allowed to take part in sports traditionally re served for men. In 2018, the kingdom allowed Formula E female runners to compete alongside their male counterparts.
Similarly, Saudi Arabia hosted its first women-only cycling race that same year.