Tech & Business
The First Smart Pharmacy in Saudi Arabia is in Tabuk

A fully robotic smart pharmacy has been set up at King Fahd Hospital in Tabuk city.
Saudi Arabia is investing heavily in technological research and therefore has seen its first fully robotic pharmacy open in the city of Tabouk. The device, which is able to process and deliver more than 1,500 drug packs per hour and more than 240 prescriptions per hour, constitutes a true technological and a medical feat.
A revolution in the medicine industry
The robotization of the pharmacy should allow both time savings and better control of safety standards while reducing medication errors.
Presented as the pharmacy of the future, it stores more than 20,000 packages of medicines and has six outlets, one of them being designed exclusively to accommodate customers with disabilities.
Matching Vision 2030
The robotic pharmacy was inaugurated by Prince Fahd bin Sultan, governor of Tabouk region. He praised the initiative and said the pharmacy “is helping to improve health care services.”
This pharmacy, designed by Tabuk Health Affairs in collaboration with King Fahd Hospital in Tabouk, is a real success story for the governor and is in line with Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman’s Vision 2030 plan.