The medina of Tunis comes alive at night

Tunis is one of Africa’s leading cultural and historical capitals. However, the medina remains little frequented by locals and tourists after dark. As such, Tunisia has just launched a major campaign to revitalize the nightlife. Festivals, concerts, treasure hunts, the city is doing everything possible to attract visitors!
The medina was born in the 13th century when the city became the heart of Ifriqiya, encompassing present-day Tunisia, northeast Algeria and northwest Libya. Listed as a Unesco World Heritage Site since 1979, the medina of Tunis is famous for its charm, its Great Mosque of Zitouna and its typical souks. Despite this, visitors are often limited to strolling through the two main streets of the city, the most dynamic and lively.
Revitalizing the artistic life of the Medina
Lately, the medina has seen the flourishing of many cultural events, including art and light festivals in the streets, dedicated to enliven the nightlife and give a new lease of life to the old city. In addition, many exhibition galleries such as Art Rue, an association that organizes art workshops with local schools, have helped to revive the attractiveness of the medina. The city also insists on reopening old museums in the city such as the mausoleum Tourbet El Bey, the stone museum Sidi Bou Krissane and the museum of arts and popular traditions Dar Ben Abdallah.
Diversifying activities
The goal of the city is to create a new dynamic combining security and entertainment. An economic interest group, Mdinti, has emerged from this project. Mdinti, literally “My medina”, brings together 21 micro-businesses, including guest houses, cafes, artisans and restaurants. Thus this gathering offers many experiences to visitors to the city throughout the year: treasure hunts, guided tours, cooking workshops, calligraphy or the manufacture of Tunisian babouches.
Tunis is reinventing itself in the hope of making itself more attractive and discovering its city from different angles!