Tech & Business
The United Arab Emirates install a vending machine for… smartphones!

The trend is developing all over the world, and the United Arab Emirates is no exception to the rule: more and more everyday items are available in vending machines. The latest one: the smartphone. Explanations…
After toothbrushes, pizza, or even live crabs (yep), it is the smartphone’s turn to get their spot inside vending machines. It is, in fact, an initiative of the Emirate telecommunications company Etisalat, in partnership with Adnoc Distribution. The two companies have just commissioned the UAE’s first smartphone vending machine.
نطلق اليوم آلة بيع ذاتية للهواتف الذكية هي الأولى من نوعها في الدولة بالتعاون مع @ADNOCdist بهدف توفير تجارب تسوق رقمية سهلة وغير مسبوقة لعملائنا، الان وخلال فترة زمنية لا تتعدى 5 دقائق يمكن لعملائنا اقتناء هاتف ذكي من أول آلة في محطة أدنوك في كورنيش أبوظبي على مدار الساعة
— #خلك_في_البيت (@etisalat) June 25, 2019
Located in Abu Dhabi, more precisely at Adnoc’s gas station on the Corniche, it allows customers with an Emirate ID card to purchase smartphones within 5 minutes, any time of the day or night.
A number of accessories and headphones are also available for purchase, both for Android and iOS.