Tech & Business
UAE: Dubai, a choice destination for Chinese students

Through bilateral public-private partnerships with China, the Emirates are intending to improve their attractiveness among both Chinese students.
There is a growing demand from Chinese vocational students in the UAE’, which Dubai is trying to meet by offering more programs. Taking into account the significant growth of Chinese tourists in the city, and in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in general, it has become urgent for the country to train qualified talent to serve this market segment.
Dubai, which has the region’s prominent hub dedicated to human resources management and learning excellence, aims to strengthen its position as a destination for professional development. The ecosystem already has more than 500 business partners, espacially from China..
Attracting students and workers
These partnerships aim to help supply vocational training courses and attract working professionals from China to come and study in the UAE. Special agreements have been signed between Dubai and Chinese educational authorities in order to reach a greater level of collaboration in higher education fields, and to support student exchanges. For instance, degrees obtained in one of the two countries will be recognized in the other, and visa appliances will be facilitated.
The UAE hold a specific interest in Chinese students who today represent the largest share of expatriate students in the world. Thanks of its proximity, its security, its affordable, and its wide range of university courses, the emirate of Dubai is a privileged destination for the Chinese student diaspora, which mainly applies in the fields of gastronomy, aviation, hotels and tourism as well as languages.
A good motive to strengthen bilateral collaboration
China has a great interest in Dubai, since the country is located at a significant geopolitical location for its multi-billion-dollar initiative called One Belt, One Road. This mammoth project intends to build giant roads and railways crossing all of Asia and Europe, to promote cooperation between all these countries.
Thanks to this growing market and multiplying partnerships between both countries, Dubai is making persistent efforts to welcome Chinese businesses, such as China State Construction Engineering, Huawei Technologies and PetroChina. These are some of the Chinese big companies based in Dubai and are very committed into developing partnerships. This ecosystem enlarges lucrative jobs opportunities for the Chinese in Dubai, on one hand, and on the other, provide a constant need of local trainings.