Tech & Business
First Robot Employee Begins his Job

As announced in the Kingdom’s “Vision 2030” reform plan, the very first Saudi robot began working in a government entity with various tasks.
The first Saudi robot employee started working for a government entity in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia a few weeks ago. After receiving his work ID, he was able to attend his first meeting at the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation (TVTC) in the presence of Minister of Education Ahmed Al-Issa and e TVTC channel Governor of Ahmed Al Fahai.
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Robots and Saudi Arabia, a great history
This is not the first time that Saudi Arabia has been talked about in terms of robotics. In 2017, at the Future Investment Initiative economic forum in Riyadh, the Kingdom granted citizenship to Sophia, a robot made of silicone. This historic act made Saudi Arabia the very first country in the world to grant nationality to a humanoid.