History & Heritage
Moroccan prehistoric heritage honored at Unesco

The Unesco headquarters in Paris opened a one-day symposium to discuss the richness of the Moroccan prehistoric heritage. Indeed, in recent years, discoveries on the soil of the kingdom have greatly contributed to the scientific rereading of the history of humanity.
The oldest jewel in the world
The year 2021 has been rich in archaeological discoveries on Moroccan soil, notably in the Bizmoune cave in Essaouira, in the west of the country. Researchers have mainly unearthed the oldest piece of jewelry in the world, dated to more than 140,000 years ago. This period corresponds to the time when Homo sapiens gathered in society and occupied the caves. The discovery in Essaouira has enlightened experts on the importance of Morocco and the excavations that take place there in enriching knowledge on ancient life.
Heritage, an economic asset for Morocco
The highlighting of Moroccan heritage at UNESCO is an opportunity for the Cherifian kingdom to showcase its historical and cultural assets to the world. These archaeological advances could have a real impact on the country’s economy. In addition, Morocco plans to put more emphasis on the development of cultural tourism, which could in turn provide interesting revenues for the real economy of the country.
Morocco has donated to Unesco replicas of the skull of the world’s oldest Homo Sapiens, dated 350 thousand years ago, discovered at Jebel Ochoud in Youssoufia, and the oldest elements of the finery. The Moroccan kingdom hopes to see its discoveries enter the list of the world heritage of humanity.