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Prince Hussein ben Abdullah of Jordan’s wedding date is known

This is the glamorous saga of the Middle East. Engaged to Saudi Arabian Rajwa Khalid Al Saif since last August, Prince Hussein ben Abdallah of Jordan now knows the date of their union.

The Royal Court of Jordan announced the marriage of Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdallah II to Rajwa Khalid Alseif on June 1 this year.

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They were Engaged in August 2022

This was reported by the Petra news agency, according to which the Court offered “its most sincere congratulations to Their Majesties King Abdallah II and Queen Rania Al Abdallah”.

The official engagement between Crown Prince Al Hussein and Saudi citizen Rajwa Khalid Alseif took place last August in Riyadh at the home of the bride-to-be’s father.

Publié le 5 January 2023
