Tech & Business
Saudi Arabia’s “Coral Bloom” Combines Sustainability with Eco-Friendly Luxury

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince, Mohammed Bin Salman, has just announced the “Coral Bloom” development, part of the Red Sea Development Company’s latest unveiling of its Red Sea Project. The Project, which aims to establish a new standard in sustainable development, has been busy these past months, in their attempt to bring together two seemingly disparate ideas: receiving a large amount of tourists, while at the same time maintaining and even rejuvenating the local ecosystem that tourism is based upon.
The “Coral Bloom” development announced by HRH Mohammed bin Salman is part and parcel to this mission. The site, which is located on Shurayrah Island, will act as the main island of the Red Sea Project’s tourism resort plans. The island is surrounded by corals and is home to the world’s fourth largest coral reef system, as well as a number of endangered species. The project has therefore taken a holistic approach in ensuring that the ecological footprint of the site’s development works, as well as the maintenance and day-to-day operations of the sites, are a net positive for the creatures and landscapes that surround the destination. Biodiversity considerations have taken center stage throughout the planning process, and disruption of the island’s mangroves and other habitats will be avoided. In addition, new habitats will be constructed through landscaping to enhance the island’s natural beauty.
A seamless blend of nature and development
As the “hub” island of the entire project, the Coral Bloom will feature architectural inspirations from the surrounding landscape, with the idea being that the structures and infrastructure blend in with the natural environment. The resorts themselves will be constructed from lightweight materials and manufactured off-site, resulting in a low-impact construction project. The low profiles of the buildings will also ensure that the surrounding vistas will be unimpeded from view, allowing visitors to enjoy the surrounding beauty at their leisure.
Behind the scenes, the Red Sea Development company has committed to delivering a 30% net conservation benefit by 2040, while using the world’s largest district cooling plant, which will be powered by 100% renewable energy 24 hours a day.
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