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The best university in the Arab world is in… Saudi Arabia

The QS 2020 ranking of the best universities has just been released! 37 universities in the Arab world are listed, the first of which is King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

The think tank interested in higher education, QS, has just published its annual ranking of the best universities in the world. The Arab world is represented, with 37 schools, among which the 1st is ranked 186th in the global ranking.

Graduates wear black hats, black hats.Graduates join the graduation ceremony at the university.


KAU on top


It is King Abdulaziz University, located in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. It thus passes again in front of the American University of Beirut (UAB), which had outdone it in 2017.


Opened in 1967, the school has 33,492 students and 4162 members of the academic faculty.


There are 5 Saudi schools in the ranking, including King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, which ranks 200th, and King Saud University, which ranks 281st.


“record highs”


In the top 10 are represented several UAE universities, such as Khalifa University, or the American University of Sharjah, but also Sultan Qaboos University in Oman, or the American University of Cairo in Egypt.


Ben Sowter, Director of Research for QS, states: “Clearly, universities in the Arab world are breaking new ground in the search for excellence, with institutions in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Oman, all reaching record highs.


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Publié le 21 June 2019


#Saudi Arabia
