Tech & Business
United Arab Emirates acquires nuclear power station, a first in the Arab world

The United Arab Emirates are, since Saturday, the first Arab state and the 32nd country in the world to acquire a nuclear power station with the launching of the Barakah power station. The building should eventually provide 25% of the country’s electricity needs.
“This is a historic moment for the Emirates in their goal of providing a new form of clean energy to the nation,” announced Hamad Alkaabi, representative of the United Arab Emirates to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA ). The UAE state has just entered the very closed club of countries exploiting civilian nuclear energy with the commissioning of the Barakah nuclear power plant, the first in the Arab world.
25% of the country’s needs
Equipped with four reactors, the plant will have the capacity to produce 5,600 megawatts of electricity, or about 25% of the United Arab Emirates’ electricity needs.
The country has a population of approximately 9.3 million inhabitants, of which more than 80% are expatriates. Its electricity needs are constantly growing, in particular because of the use of air conditioning during scorching summers.