Tech & Business
#WeDreamArabia: Reimagining Cinema

Today at the MiSK Global Forum, Fabien Riggall—founder of Future Cinema (2005) and Secret Cinema (2007)—announced the launch of a new initiative titled #WeDreamArabia.
Today, the hashtag #WeDrealArabia quickly made the rounds on social media. Though, what does it mean precisely? Fabien Riggall, an Englishman known for his pioneering initiatives regarding immersive cinema, provided details: “This morning we launched this project, which is called #WeDreamArabia. It’s a creative community here, to reimagine how cinema could be, over here in Saudi Arabia”.
Without giving too much away, Fabien Rigall explained that he felt as though he were on the cusp of a new golden age of cinema in Saudi Arabia: “I think what’s exciting, about what’s happening here, is that it feels like it could be the golden age of Hollywood once again, the 1920s, when they started building all the studios in America. Now there’s an opportunity to build a new kind of studios here.”
Stay tuned!